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October 9, 2024 12:06am

Muscle rupture - what to do?

Sudden, rushing muscle pain and growing swelling in most cases usually means a single muscle rupture. When should I go to the doctor? How to help an injured person on an ad hoc basis?

Muscle rupture - how to recognize it?

If you feel sudden, rushing point pain and a characteristic "click" while practicing sport or lifting a weight. (also referred to as a sense of "pulling") - we can assume that the muscle was probably torn off. Another symptom, which may occur in case of muscle trauma, is a growing, local swelling, combined with redness of the skin and often also a visible, growing hematoma. The site of injury is sensitive to touch and the pain clearly increases when trying to move the muscle. Sometimes we can also observe a change in muscle structure, visible as a local thickening or depression.

Most serious muscle injuries will require medical consultation to diagnose the type of injury (muscle rupture or rupture, limb fracture) and to prescribe painkillers. Before you go to the doctor (or call an ambulance), you can take care of the injury yourself or with the help of another person.

In case of suspicion of muscle rupture, the so-called PRICE method (protection, rest, ice, compress, elevate) is used, which includes the following activities:

  • protection of the limb (or other place of injury) against aggravation of the injury - if possible, we try to immobilize the limb e.g. by means of a bandage and rail,
  • rest - i.e. ensuring that the muscle is not overloaded,
  • Ice (alternatively: gel compress) - i.e. regular wraps of the trauma site, apply every about 2 hours, applying the compress for 10-15 minutes; never apply the compress directly on the skin, but use e.g. a towel,
  • pressure - the application of a flexible bandage in place of the injury may prevent swelling,
  • Lift of the limb - if possible, the patient should rest with the limb raised above the heart level, which may reduce swelling.

If the injury is serious, the injured person may require prompt medical attention, especially in case:

  • Injury with visible open wounds and bleeding,
  • with intense, increasing pain at the site of injury,
  • o observe a change in the colour of the injury site, e.g. significant local redness or pale skin,
  • of increasing swelling,
  • about the appearance of fever.

Is it possible to protect oneself from injury?

There is no single, ideal method to protect us from injuries. However, it is worth remembering about the golden rule that accompanies practicing any type of sport - a warm-up is an obligatory part of every training session. A short warm-up exercise - e.g. a slow, gradual stretching of all muscles - will allow for proper body stimulation and prepare us for the exercise. In order to avoid injury, let's try to reasonably estimate the strength of our own body and, if possible, avoid "overtraining".

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