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January 24, 2025 5:58pm

What is tooth sealing?

One of the most commonly used dental prophylactic procedures is tooth sealing. Both permanent and deciduous teeth can be subjected to it, so it is worth finding out what such a procedure looks like and in what circumstances we should decide to carry it out. The procedure itself is aimed at clogging the natural irregularities and crevices that we deal with in our teeth.

For this purpose, the dentist uses lacquer, which is a dental material that prevents the formation of caries on the teeth and contributes to the fact that the enamel of teeth becomes stronger.

Tooth sealing - what is it?

The sealing applies to both molars and premolars, as well as incisors. Therefore, the doctor's focus is on teeth with a rather specific structure, i.e. teeth that most often contain food residues that are difficult to remove. The effectiveness of sealing largely depends on when we decide to perform the treatment, and it is assumed that the sooner this happens, the better. This will allow not only to avoid caries, but also to prevent their appearance. No wonder that this procedure is most often applied to children, although it is also not avoided by adults who usually decide to seal wisdom teeth.

The course of the procedure

During the procedure, the dentist usually starts by drying the teeth with the use of conjugated air, and then applies an etching agent, thanks to which we can be sure that the lacquer will remain on the teeth. Afterwards, the teeth are dried again and their surface is evenly coated with varnish.

Dental treatment

The lacquer is hardened with the use of a diode lamp light, and the doctor checks whether the coating is not only hard but also tight.

After sealing, visits to the dentist cannot be dispensed with. They usually take place once every six months, and during their duration the doctor checks if there is no need to apply a supplement. The biggest advantage of tooth sealing is the very high effectiveness in reducing the risk of caries. This is not dangerous even a few years after the procedure, but it often tends to appear in the furrows, which form on the teeth in a natural way.

Yes, you can fight it thanks to proper oral hygiene, but experience tells us that this is not always an easy task, especially if you have to deal with teeth that are difficult to get to. The procedure itself does not only not last long, but also is not painful. Usually, sealing one tooth takes several minutes, although one should bear in mind that the tooth should also be cleaned and dried. Sealing only makes sense in the case of healthy teeth.

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