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January 24, 2025 7:03pm

When does the doctor recommend KTG during pregnancy?

Cardiotocography (KTG) is one of the basic tests carried out in women expecting a child. Although the doctor usually recommends the use of KTG at the end of pregnancy, there are some exceptions. Check when such a test can be commissioned.

Cardiotocography is a test to evaluate the condition of the fetus in the last weeks of pregnancy and directly during childbirth. This examination also allows you to monitor your uterine systolic function.

Conduct of KTG examination

KTG is a completely painless and non-invasive test. It consists in placing two belts with sensors on the abdomen. One measures the heartbeat of the fetus and the other records the contractions of the uterus. The results appear directly on the monitor and are also printed.

The test usually takes about 30 minutes. However, if the results are worrying, the duration of the OCTs may be extended up to 1 hour. In extreme cases, the equipment is connected throughout the birth.

KTG in pregnancy - when to perform?

It is up to the doctor to decide when the KTG examination should be carried out. Usually, cardiotocography is performed for the first time around the estimated date of delivery. For further examinations, the patient should appear every 2-3 days until dissolution - depending on the doctor's recommendations.

However, it is worth knowing that there are a few exceptions to this rule. An OCT test may be carried out earlier than a few weeks before the date of delivery:

  • after the 25th week of pregnancy - if there are reasons to do so, e.g. the pregnancy does not run properly and the woman feels the uterus contractions,
  • when the child's movements are not felt or are very weak,
  • when the woman suffered a stomach injury,
  • when vaginal bleeding occurs in a woman,
  • in women with multiple pregnancies,
  • in case of endangered pregnancy,
  • in women with hypertension, diabetes mellitus,
  • if a heart defect is detected in the fetus.

It is worth noting that frequent execution of KTGs does not affect the foetus. It is completely safe and does not pose any risk.

The wrong outcome of the OCTs - should it be a cause for concern?

While correct cardiotocography is never a cause for concern, abnormal results can be very stressful for most women. It is important to be aware, however, that not always worrying indications indicate problems or complications. It is not uncommon for abnormal cardiotocography indications to be disturbed by various factors, including... Improper positioning of the woman during the test.

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